Scope of Social Media Marketing in India

Social Media Marketing (SMM) is a significant part of digital marketing, and it is the use of social networking sites to market or promote a company’s product or service. SMM Sites such as Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Pinterest, most notably Facebook, and LinkedIn are the most used platforms for promotions.

In 2019, there were 351.4 million users, and by the end of 2020, it is estimated at approximately 601 million users. Such a big audience’s online presence makes social Media Sites a big platform to promote and sell a business online.
The number of users is directly proportional to the scope in SMM; the larger the number of users, the larger the scope, and vice-versa.
The crucial social networking sites which help in Social Media Marketing are listed below.


Facebook is a social networking app and was launched in February 2004. On September 26, 2006, Facebook was launched in India, and At present, there are 310 million Facebook users in India. All over the world, the figure is 2.45 billion. So, generating Business from platforms like Facebook is most suggested as it is reliable and economical.

Why is Facebook the most important source for Social Media Marketing?

Helps Business or an Individual for brand building

Facebook marketing will help you to create a brand image among the intended audience. Brand awareness is crucial for any Business as its name should be printed in the viewer’s head for brand recognition.

Lead generation

Leads are essential for all service base or B to C Business as leads will have more to convert new customers. These can be your potential permanent customer for a lifetime.

Higher conversion

Companies can experience a higher conversion rate through Facebook advertising. Higher conversion will directly increase their sales which will directly lead companies to grow in profits.

Higher reach

The number of Facebook users is directly proportional to the higher number of reach. Higher the reach; higher the impact.

Boosted website traffic

Facebook also allows website business owners to get more website visitors from Facebook. Website visitors will get more ideas about the company and its products or services and trust the company.

Increase the number of Android or IOS app installs

Suppose you need to make your Android or IOS app to be downloaded by niche-oriented people. Then, target the right audience and allow them to download your app through Facebook marketing.

Post photos, videos, or carousel

Posting a good picture is always necessary. You can post a single photo, a slideshow of images known as a carousel, or a video.
This will attract the viewer and evoke interest in knowing more about your products and services.


Instagram is a social networking app launched on October 6, 2010. The app was established as a photo and video sharing app, which also accomplishes messaging. Since the day of launch till now the youth has influenced a lot to this app.
So, products or services offered to the Instagram audience should get better results For all businesses. Out of 80,590,000 Instagram users, 38,700,000 users are youth that is of age group 18-24.

Ways of marketing at Instagram

Business account

A good platform should be there to market your products or services to make your advertisement more systematic. It will even help the viewer of your advertisement visit your account and get more information and build trust and contact you.

Update your account

Updating all the useful information related to your business, products, and services offered should be mentioned on your page. So, that viewer gets the whole idea about your company and what you are selling. You can even increase your website traffic from your account.

Gain followers

Share your account as much as you can. This will help you get more followers, which will positively impact the viewer from viewing your page. If followers like your page, they’ll mention you in their stories; you can get more engagement.

Run ads properly

Running advertisements are essential as well as a delicate aspect to be considered in SMM. Write the text correctly. The image should be attractive and pleasant. Targeting should be appropriately done to get your intended audience.


LinkedIn is a social networking app launched for professionals for the employment motive on May 5, 2003. It is a wholly work-related app. It is like a contact diary a user can save online. The messaging feature is also enabled so that useful information can be transmitted personally.
LinkedIn has 260 million monthly active users, according to the latest data.

Why is LinkedIn important for SMM?

LinkedIn has all professional users. If your target customer is big firms, business owners, companies, start-ups, job appliers, job recruiters; LinkedIn could help you better than other apps. Beneficial in terms of:-

Professional audience

LinkedIn has all professional people doing professional work at their accounts. So, find the right audience and then start targeting.


LinkedIn will have more of a professional audience which can invest more for your project as they need brand awareness or maximum sales. To do that, companies will pay a higher value to you as a digital marketer.


Nowadays, Twitter is very trending among youth. They like to tweet their thoughts or experiences on Twitter accounts. Twitter users were 152 million in the last year; among which 18.9 million were Indian users.
Twitter is the platform where you can find all age groups except children below 18. It is the best source to the target audience which are dependent and decision-makers.


Snapchat is a social networking app launched on July 8, 2011. Snapchat has 203 million daily active users who share snaps as photos or videos, maintain streaks, etc. The Snapchat Bitmoji feature is also very trending.
As per the latest update Snapchat made in their Bitmoji fashion will lead to an E-commerce shift. The outfit collection of Bitmoji adding a new feature of Levi’s outfits leading to brand awareness; lead to maximum sales.This is how social media marketing is getting into every social networking site to market products and services.


Pinterest is a social networking site that enables users to collect information regarding their exciting topics. There are 442 million users of Pinterest all over the world.
For SMM, you should use the medium of Pinterest for a larger audience and create brand awareness.
Delivering your point with creativity is the key to get more engagement.


Youtube is the video-sharing app launched on December 15, 2005. According to research, 93% of video watchers are on Youtube. Youtube is an app that can never go outdated.
The number of users will always increase and will never decrease. You can make the best use of the app through SMM.
Informational videos can be uploaded regarding the products or services offered, leading to brand building and maximising your sale.
You will have the following career options if you become an SMM master:-

Get yourself a job-

You can quickly get an excellent job as a social media marketer in any big well-known company and would settle your career.


Blogging can be a good career option for creative people and have the habit of proper writting. You can spread the informational through specific content in your blogs. As a freelancer, a person can even be a personal blogger and earn a hefty amount every month.

Freelancer social media marketer

You can start taking some good projects on your own. If your work is right; you can earn more than getting a job.


As you will have complete knowledge of Youtube marketing, you can become a Youtuber. You can upload content on your Youtube channel and get more likes, shares, and comments through your marketing strategy.

Can promote your own Business

If you have an existing business, but its growth has stopped from the past years, you can use social media marketing to grow your business online. Now you have a complete idea about what SMM is and the scope of Social Media Marketing.
If you are interested in learning Social Media Marketing, then ASDM is just a single step away from you; contact us to learn with ASDM.
If you need Social Media Marketing services to grow your business, you can undoubtedly rely on ASDM. As we have a lot of experience which will let you get success more quickly.ASDM is with you during your journey.

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