If you are looking for a few small business online marketing changes that will take only a few minutes to implement but have substantial positive impacts, you are on the right page. We will go through seven really simple ways to generate a lot more traffic to your website, but not only just any old traffic.
Let’s face it, you can use one of many different small business online marketing strategies and get tons of traffic, but if no one buys anything, what is that traffic worth? Maybe a wooden nickel, in which we all know what that gets you these days.
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Small Business Online Marketing Strategy Involving Twitter
small business online marketing, a few of the many people we have recently started adding their Twitter link in their email signature. If you have a Twitter account and have any number of followers, you know how powerful Twitter can be if leveraged just right. There are a right way and a wrong way to use Twitter and any other available tool to people. Having someone else follow you, share your posts and or pages on Twitter is exactly what you want them to do. This small business online marketing strategy takes only a couple of minutes to set up in your emails and cost no extra money.
The Business Card Small Business Online Marketing Strategy Idea
Are you feeling the pressures of marketing, the costs of ongoing monthly fees, or even trying to find some startup capital to get the marketing going? Well, we got an idea for you, and it probably won’t cost you any more than you are already paying. You have business cards, well, at least we hope you do; what business or business owner does not have business cards. A really cool small business online marketing strategy is really not even online but offline that drives online traffic. The back of your business card usually is empty, and that is really precious real-estate for businesses; you own it, use it.
A few ideas for info on the back of the card would be
A Picture of You – If you need more personal branding or are in the spotlight a great deal
A Picture of Your Product – Again branding for your business and product
A-List of Services: Some people do not want to call and get “sold” to. Allowing them to see a quick snapshot of your services gets them more intrigued to pick up the phone or go to your website
Sales – Give a discount with a code on the back of the card – Maybe something like 10% off with this code’s use. This not only allows you to get more customers, but you can also track where the traffic is coming from based on the code.
Websites Have A Direct Impact On Your Small Business Online Marketing
We see so many clients that have old, weathered, slow-responding, and really unorganized websites that need a facelift. Many businesses feel that the website that was created five years ago or more is still sufficient for all the up-to-date SEO needs today. As the internet always evolves and more and more businesses and websites get up online, the search engines and index sites have to reformulate how they rank sites and in what order. Having an old site that is unorganized, does not focus on specific keywords, and loads very slowly is a customer turned off and gets ranked very poorly on the search engines. Another topic to consider is your old site mobile friendly; for all smartphones and tablets that many people use.
Become A Small Business Online Marketing Expert In Your Field
We say it time and time again, you as a small business owner, have a clue or two about your business and how it can help others. You do not need to become an expert in marketing, that is what you got us for, but you need to be able to provide further free advice to people as they are searching online for ideas and or advice. There really is no other online marketing technique that will brand you so quickly and prominently over your competitors. Offer free how-to videos, many different articles, some press releases, and other forms of training and or advice that cater to your customers.
Test Some More Small Business Online Marketing Strategies
Many small business owners think that once they find what they consider is the best marketing strategy for their business, they latch on to it, and that is all that they focus on; spending tens of thousands of dollars a year. We preach to all of our clients, and we will let you in on this old saying that has saved many people and their businesses. Do not have all your eggs in one basket; you should not only use one type of marketing strategy and forget about everything else. Marketing is not an exact science, but it does take ongoing testing and filtering results; there is no perfect marketing strategy for a specific business or niche. Small business online marketing is just as hard for big businesses as small businesses; the real only difference is what is at stake and what they are willing to invest.