Search engine optimization is one of those odd, new Millennium techniques that has arrived right at the time when the average user can become an expert. Yes, you need to study SEO, but by and large, the mechanics of it can be taught using Institutes and Online Digital Marketing.

Yet there are companies that offer to perform SEO work for other people, and they manage to stay in business & how do they do that when it’s a skill that most people can learn? Maybe it is all so easy after all…

People who are new to Search engine optimization may quickly consider themselves an expert. You can search Twitter and will find a thousand profiles cheerfully insisting that the person running the account is an SEO expert. Search engine optimization Expert is not (like a doctor, or dietitian) a legally protected term, so anyone can claim to be so.

And many users may genuinely feel they are an expert, and that they have nothing to benefit from an SEO company. That’s the problem with new technologies.

If you are looking to launch a website to sell a product or service, you are probably looking around the internet to see what you need to know. Eventually, the term SEO – and its importance – will crop up, along with the help guides telling you how to do it yourself.

Doing it yourself is a lot cheaper than outsourcing to a company, so why should you both?

Put simply, no one can be an expert in a short period of time. The people who run Search engine optimization service companies really are experts, who have studied the art of SEO for long periods of time. You will always unless you can spare several months to learn it all yourself, get better results with them.

SEO: How it really works

online marketing SEO

There are many people who have just enough knowledge of the way the Internet and search engines work to know that search engine optimization is important, but not enough knowledge to know that it will not just solve all your problems.

Search engine optimization is not something you can apply and then sit back and wait for people to visit your website.

Yes, it is important and it is an extremely clever concept, but the incorrect application of SEO will no more increase your website traffic than handing out free balloons will make an ice cream shop’s profits go through the roof. Yes, it can help; no, it is not the whole deal.

It is no good setting up a website and paying lip service to the basics of Search engine optimization – throwing together some backlinks in other places, using keywords, and submitting a sitemap – and then, when the doors are not battered down by enthralled readers, complaining but it had SEO!

Clearly, SEO isn’t as good as I was told it was!” Correctly applied, Search engine optimization will certainly boost your Google ranking. Whether it will get you to the first page of results, only time will tell – but it is useful.

SEO google

The major mistake people make is in treating SEO as the silver bullet that will make all the difference – if that were the case, then Google’s ranking would be entirely meaningless because everyone would have SEO on their site.

It needs to be remembered that good SEO and good content are the most potent combination for Google rankings

Is There Such A Thing As Too Much SEO for an SEO Executive?


It is obviously not easy to write good, SEO-compliant content for a website and still have a standard of content that will impress your readers, and this often shows in the more amateurish attempts at writing a website.

One mistake a lot of people make is in thinking that the more they use a keyword, the better it will be for their website.

This often results in the writer frequently using the keyword once every other sentence or a similar density. Their reasoning is understandable. If some SEO is good, then a lot of SEO will surely be excellent.

However, SEO is not just about the use of keywords. It is more accurate to say that SEO is about the relevant, appropriate and substantial use of keywords within good content. It is true that Google sets rankings based on keyword density, but search engines don’t just look for a lot of keywords.

If they find a suspiciously high keyword volume they are actually likely to downrank you, and if your website is barely readable on account of the excess of keywords then you are unlikely to get the backlinks that will also be used for higher rankings.

It is this balance that you need to achieve, and it is not a matter of too much or too little SEO.

SEO encompasses a number of different elements which should all be present if you want to make the right impact on the search engines – or at least, you should include as many elements as you can without negatively affecting the readability of your website.

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