Do you agree that in the world of Digital we all have become too much SOCIAL MEDIA FREAK???
The only entertainment for all of us is all the Social Media Platforms especially Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and many more. Now with the time, we all have started using Social Media for earning. We started doing Social Media Marketing to grow our business or to generate income.
Social Media Marketing has influenced so many youngsters to start working on Social Media as a Freelancer.
As youth started with Social Media there are a lot of people who started taking an interest and found the best way to start marketing and promoting their business on Social Media Platforms.
In the era of Digital World, Social Media Marketing has changed the way of marketing tremendously. But do you think just marketing on Social Media can be enough?
Just by posting on Social Media can be enough? So along with Social Media Marketing, it is also very important that you start Social Media Optimisation.
So, if you are also a Social Media Freak like me and started earning through it then have you ever reviewed your work? What Social Media Posts have been liked by your audience or where you are lacking or what things you need to improve? If No, then don’t worry. If you are looking forward to becoming a Social Media Expert then this Blog is very useful for you. Here we will guide you all about Social Media Audit.
Table of Contents
How to Conduct A Social Media Audit
Let us discuss the meaning of Social Media Audit.
The word AUDIT seems scary, right? But don’t worry we will make it easy and this is surely going to give you the best result in your Social Media Marketing also.
Social Media Audit is simply reviewing your work, what is being worked, where you are getting lack, what things need to be changed and how can you improve to get better results.
Social Media Audit helps you to develop or update Social Media Marketing plans more effectively.
Whatever position you are holding currently in Social Media, Social Media Audit will give you a very clear picture of your current efforts and make it easy for you to make the best decisions for the future.
Why Is Social Media Audit Important?
Social Media Audit is a key part of developing and updating on a Social Media Marketing plan. Auditing provides you a unique way to see where you stand and what strategies you can make for further growth.
Social Media Audit gives you detailed feedback about your organization’s existence on Social Media Platforms, its presence, and its popularity. This audit helps you to get actionable feedback that helps to get more customers.
Following are the few benefits you will get by Social Media Audit
Expert feedback about your content
For any Social Media Marketer, it is very essential to know about its feedback on the content they are sharing. Social Media Audit helps you to provide valuable and solid feedback that will help you to perform much better than what you are doing today.
Finding why Social Media Leads aren’t getting converted
A Social Media Audit will point out the areas for improvement and help you the way to convert the leads in customers.
Opportunities to Generate Leads On Social Media
Learn How you Stack Up against your Competitors
Today every business has a lot of competitors and you will always want customers to choose you over your competitor. So know how your competitors are using Social Media and revealing their weakness gives you the biggest advantage.
Social Media Audit will help you to reveal areas that may attract more to customers
Find out why you are losing people in Social Media Sales: One of the advantages of Social Media is that you get to know the interests of your customers.
You can easily get to know the appropriate content that attracts them; it may be any kind of ads or offers.
So Social Media Audit will help you to find out the reasons you are lacking in, whether it’s in the engagement process, ads or content. Social Media Audit will examine and will let you know when, where and why you are losing customers in the sales funnel.
Learn Best Practices from the Experts
The main job of Social Media Audit is to find out of the difference between the gaps that lie in your tactics, guide you and make you better or help you to get the best strategies. You should get the best practices to ensure you reach your goals.
Simple Steps to do Social Media Audit
After knowing the benefits of Social Media Audit who would not like to start with it.
So here you will get to know some simple steps through which you can start doing Social Media Audit. Just by following these steps you will be able to know where you stand currently and what things need to be improved.
List all your Social Media Accounts
Create a simple Excel Spreadsheet, listing all your Social Media account details whether you have been using them or not. But make sure you have a single Business Profile on all the Social Media Platforms.
Update Your Information
All your Social Media Accounts should be updated with very accurate information. You need to take care of updating information on timelines and bio should be accurate, completing about sections, do your Social Media Accounts carry all the information that a particular customer is looking for, your website URL should be linked to your Social Media Accounts.
Review Your Images
Along with the information on your timeline or bio, your cover photos are also very important. You should use correct image dimensions as per the Social Media Platform, resolution of the image should be proper, your bio image should convey professionalism, and it should be clearly visible on all the devices.
Check for Consistency Across all Social Media Platforms
Your background color, logos, images, etc should go well with your branding. You should maintain consistency while branding on all the Social Media Platforms.
Dig into your Audience
Knowing your audience is really important for long term business. Finding data on your audience will tell you if you are able to reach correct customers and you’re targeting correctly.
Audit your Posting Activity
Social Media Platforms help you to stay engaged with your customers with the right content, right time and also at the right platform. Audit whether you are posting correct content, for the correct audience, at the right time, how frequently you are posting on every platform and whatever you are sharing is useful to them or not.
Evaluate Engagement Rates
How much engaged you are with your customers on each Social Media Platform, from where you are getting conversions.
Want to get more likes on your Facebook page [Read our Blog – 6 Ways to Boost your Facebook Page Likes]
Study your High Performing Content
Review the content you have posted previously. Analyze from where and with what type of content you are getting more response and then re-create such content with some other innovations.
Audit your Competitors
Now, this is the last step for your Social Media Audit i.e. Audit your competitor. Auditing your competitor may include the number of followers they have, type of content they are sharing, how often they are engaged with their audience, what platforms they are active on, which influencers they are connected with, what brand images they have chosen.
And lastly where they are experts and where they are lacking. This will help you the most to prosper on your platforms.
Social Media Audit Tools
You have to manage too much on Social Media. Social Media consists of different Social Media Platforms, different ways of promotion, customers with a different mindset, innovative contents and much more.
Promoting your brand on Social Media may include the following points
– Organic ads are as important as the paid one on Social Media Platforms
– You need to get the most innovative ideas to promote your brand or products.
– You need to get an interactive person or brand on Social Media.
– You got 8 seconds to attract Social Media towards you.
In the world of competition, it’s very essential you analyze your work thoroughly and frequently. And to make your analysis easy will discuss the Social Media Audit Tools that will help you in a much better way for your Social Media Audit.
Socal Media Tools that will make your work easy
Social Bakers
Social Media Platforms are filled with competition and that is what makes Social Media an exciting Platform for Marketing.
Social Bakers will help you to know where you stand in the Social Media platforms in this competitive world. Social Bakers will also provide you reports regarding how effective your Ads strategies are.
Klear is a Social Media Analytics tool that will cover all the Social Media monitoring, Influencer Marketing and also a competitive market.
It has helped a lot of marketers by borrowing algorithms from their paid product and provides free tools that would help you to improve your Social Media Marketing.
Sum All
Sumall is a free tool that can help you to collect data from different Social Media Platforms and allows unlimited automation.
If you are super busy but still want to work and get results efficiently then SumAll will help you to schedule content for Twitter & Facebook. You can also track your organic and paid data to know what has worked best and given you best results.
This tool is more popular for Twitter and it will study the users you are interested in. This tool will tell you about the user’s psychology, gender, location and much more.
This tool is quite popular for Facebook. This is the best tool that can guide and study your Facebook and study about your branding success on Facebook. It will convert all the data in a simple report. All you have to do is search your Facebook business page and hit an enter, you don’t even need to sign in.
This is really helpful for Instagram and Pinterest. One of the free features of this tool is “Post Inspector”, which will give you a clear idea about your performance on Instagram and Pinterest postings, hashtags, keywords dates and also image filters
SparlToro is also an exclusive tool for Twitter. All you have to do is connect your Twitter account to see the percentage of your inactive, spam and fake followers.
Along with this SparkToro also provides two more free tools that will help to Audit your account. You will get a clear idea of what web marketers are talking about, what is being in trend, what users are sharing on twitter, and it gets refresh every 15minutes so you will get with all the updated information.
TweetReach helps you to get free reports quickly and easily on your recent twitter activity. You can get details of the keywords, hashtags, or a username. Searching a keyword or hashtag will help you to know who and about what he has been talking
So, when you have got to know that doing only Social Media Marketing is not enough you also need to keep a regular Social Media Audit.
To learn and experience and get a fruitful result by enhancing your marketing strategies, by putting more innovative content, by making a more appealing post that may attract people they are interested in.
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