How to Use LinkedIn for your Business?

LinkedIn is one of the few social media platforms that became popular for getting jobs. Most college students sign up on LinkedIn to land a job. Having a LinkedIn profile is equivalent to having a detailed online resume.
It is a platform where you show your skills and engage with people to popularise your services, promote your business, or land a job. It is an interactive platform where an employer can directly talk to the candidates, and a candidate can directly converse with various HR professionals of a company.
If you have a business, you can easily promote it on LinkedIn. In order to create a business page, you first need to have a personal account. After that, you with the help of some marketing strategies, you can start reaching out to the audience.
LinkedIn is the best place to increase your influence by writing to your connections. In this blog post, we’ll discover all these aspects.

Create A LinkedIn Account and a Page

Creating a LinkedIn account is easy. Here’s how it works:
• You must insert your email id (preferably the professional one) and create a password to complete the process.
• After creating an account, choose a display picture with formal attire (avoid informal pictures like selfies). Try choosing a picture that reflects confidence.
• Start filling up your profile details with a complete description of yourself.
• Write your educational qualifications and work experience.
• You can also choose to restrict who can send you a connection request.
After you complete writing about your achievements, experience, and education, LinkedIn recommends you to several other people in the same field or industry. From this point onwards, you can start building connections.
An account is crucial to make a page on LinkedIn.
• To create a page on LinkedIn, follow the steps given below:
• Log in on your PC and click the work section.
• Under the work section, click “create a company page,” then fill in all the information suitable to your company’s nature.
• Keep in mind not to write deceiving information. For instance, if five people work in your company, then do not write that 50 employees work there.
• After you create a page, fill in the description that best describes your company, including the work you do and the results of your services.
LinkedIn will recommend your page to others only if you have a description with the right keywords. For example, if you are a marketing firm, write about your marketing services and achievements in the description.

Send Connection Requests

Start sending connection requests to whom you think is your audience. Send connections requests and ask your connections to follow your page. Remember, on LinkedIn, when you see someone’s profile, that person gets notified. Connections can also prove to be research subject to study market behavior.
You can scroll through the posts and descriptions of your connections and know their choices. You can note these behaviors and implement them in your strategies to boost your business. Not all have their connection open. Some prefer to insert email ids and write a message to decongest the pool of messages from various connections.

Communicate Through Your Posts

Write creatively about your business to attract the audience. You can weave a story to introduce products. You can post relatable content related to everyday work issues like mismanagement, HR problems, or work experience.
Commenting on your connections’ posts is also a good way of engagement. Remember to post within a limit, not too much or less. Sometimes your connections can get bored or get annoyed with too many posts and when you post too little, say once a month, you will not be able to establish a healthy engagement and interactions with your connections.
You can do a poll on LinkedIn, making a reader stop to read the post. Polls like “What do you expect out of a job?” or “What is better, business or a job?” can work on LinkedIn. Other than these examples, you can work out your polls.

Write To Your Connections

Connections like owners or CEOs of companies are precious. If influencers like these accept your connection request, then decently write to them. You must address them first and write your concerns in the next paragraph.
If your company does excellent in the industry, write to these connections talking about your achievements. Write about achievements, do not boast about them.
You can also write simple messages like “It’s great to connect with you,” In the later paragraphs, you can write about your work. These kinds of messages leave an impression on your connections.
You can request your connections to write an endorsement for you. Endorsements give a good impression on first-time visitors. You can ask those you have worked with before or are working with currently to write a LinkedIn endorsement for you.


LinkedIn advertisements are used to promote your services or products like any other social media platform. These paid advertisements have to be managed and need investment regularly.
It is optional for a beginner to advertise on LinkedIn, but certainly, you can experiment with it. To create an ad, you need to choose your objective, select the targeting criteria like a particular geographical location and choose a format.

Recruit People for Your Business

You can post a job offer from a chef to a fashion designer on LinkedIn and attract many candidates for your business. Lookout their resume and call them for an interview. You can ask your connections for suggestions on hiring employees who stay for long.

To Sum it Up

The social media world is evolving, and so is the business mode. LinkedIn is not only meant for creating a professional profile and leaving it. When you’re active, you can build some great relationships here.
It has become a new opportunity to diversify your business and connect with people with whom you would only aspire to talk. It has opened new doors of professionalism by becoming a platform where you can sell your skills.

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